For working from home - Eluxevo

For working from home

Multi-sensory heating: separate the work from home

When a home is also a place of work, it can be hard to focus on work or on play. Eluxevo know the ingredients that create comfort and how to make work and play more pleasurable, more productive, and separate. Eluxevo lets you create comfort transformations and enhance different experiences: from a gentil transition to aid focus, to a quick switch into complete relaxation.


There is only one way to feel the difference of a home with Eluxevo, and that is to experience it.

Separate the work from home:

Eluxevo allows you to set boundaries between work and relaxation, physically and emotionally. Don’t let energy use in your home concern you, when Eluxevo can help you stay focused and alert in your comfort-zone of work. Tired and stressed? Experience the end of a productive day and the start of you-time, indulging in added comfort.

Reduce discomfort and making work more pleasurable

Winter: the physical and mental impact of shorter daylight hours and dark, sun-less, cloudy weather can sometimes be overlooked.  Such transitions from midsummer bliss, can impact wellbeing and productivity when working from home.  Eluxevo optimises your comfort experience, from helping you feel energised in the morning, to working into the evenings with minimal discomfort.

A home without Eluxevo
  • Environment transitions create discomfort
  • Cold spots throughout the home
  • Negative influence on mood and focus
A home with Eluxevo
  • Adapts to maintain comfort
  • Seamless energy optimisation
  • Personalise your preferences

Experience your home

Enrich every occasion:

An Eluxevo home is a hub for social interaction and wellbeing. Need to feel energised? Looking for relaxation? More than just comfort, Eluxevo is an experience

Comfort that adapts to you


Technology that serves you:

The easy and intuitive way to control comfort. The helpful automation to minimise bills. If getting the right balance for your home feels like guesswork or sacrifice, Eluxevo offer you a solution.

Warmth where you need it


Removing the discomfort:

Does saving energy and optimising comfort in your home sometimes feel like a battle ground? Eluxevo responds to your needs to optimise comfort and minimise energy use, for your peace of mind.

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A wellbeing experience:

Discover how multi-sensory comfort can enhance mental and physical wellbeing.

Make unforgettable moments:

For those who like to see smiles when friends come round for dinner, naturally.

Warming you, not the Earth:

For those who see change as a gesture of love. For today. For tomorrow. For all.

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